
111 pages 3 hours read

Tiffany D. Jackson

Monday's Not Coming

Tiffany D. JacksonFiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-3, 4-5, and 6-8

Reading Check

1. With her grandmother (Chapter 2)

2. Breadcrumbs (Chapter 2)

3. The library (Chapter 4)

4. Land given to freed slaves (Chapter 4)

5. Red (Chapter 5)

6. Ms. Valente (Chapter 6)

7. Monday’s older sister (Chapter 8)

Short Answer

1. Monday did not write her back all summer. Since they are best friends, that is strange. Also, Monday is always early to school, and she is not at school. In fact, she has not even registered for classes. (Chapters 2-8)

2. Claudia is isolated and lonely. She felt Monday was her only friend, so with her not there, she navigates the new year alone. People bully her. She avoids lunch at times. She also struggles with her schoolwork, which Monday used to help her with. (Chapters 1-8)

Chapters 9-11, 12-16, and 17-20

Reading Check